<aside> 🎵 Note: Soundcloud I use to upload demos, quick rough song outlines that perhaps I’ve written in a matter of hours, and I’ve not devoted time to mixing or mastering. Spotify, is where I upload carefully spent days and days crafting. Thank you for listening!



Childish Emotions:

This is the first track from my upcoming EP ‘Random Sample’ for my ‘Friends Against SAD’ project, that is dropping mid August :) Excited to share something very special to me.



I’ve been listening to a lot of Burial lately so you could say he partly inspired this. I also wanted the chorus bassline to come in and hit you with this kind of SBTRKT - Wildfire feeling. As for the sample, uh — this would never get cleared by THAT family. So it will remain a soundcloud demo until I get a cease and desist.



This was certainly inspired by too many late nights listening aphex twin. Simple but sometimes you dont need much else.



I’ve been wanting to make a chaotically inspired techno song for a while. Then I stumbled upon a tweet of some girls firing from cloudflare. It was so hard to watch that i felt like I had to translate those feelings into a song.

and i want you my way and like I want you and I said I want you to want me too